
  • Research Team database:

INDD research school contains many multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary subclusters of researchers. The following database involves members with relative information of rank; faculty; research specialty ; affiliation and Scopus link.

  • Research Fields

Our research encompasses a wide array of general and multidisciplinary fields:

General and Interdisciplinary Fields including:

  • Drug delivery, nanocarrier versatile systems; nanoparticle synthesis, pharmacokinetics; Drug design (The major research topic of interdisciplinary work in Pharos University as depicted in research wheels of PUA (to the left) and that of INDD PI (to the right).Pharmaceutical nanotechnology combines two major topics according to Scopus classification :Physical science and life science therefore; major research interest of the school is interdisciplinary one.



  • Artificial Intelligence: AI-driven drug delivery modelling and simulations.
  • Sustainability: Eco-friendly materials and sustainable practices.
  • Material Science: Advanced nanomaterials for targeted therapies.
  • Biotechnology: Bio-inspired designs for improved drug efficacy.